CORRIDORS is a body of works for audio and video that were actively presented from 2006-2011 utilizing a specific process of preparation and performance.

In this process, an instrumentalist is recorded improvising, with minimal instruction. The recordings are then edited, isolating the moments where the performance reaches energetic peaks. These moments are abstracted using esoteric software to remove the representation of the instrument, but retain and emphasize the energy of the playing, with the end result being approximately 6-15 sound files of relatively static textures.

For performance, these files are loaded onto digital playback devices. Each piece contains a set bank of sounds used as building blocks that are “mixed” live over a 5-7 channel audio system and “played” dynamically, responding to the performance space. Speakers are placed strategically around the space while sounds are fine-tuned from the center of the room. Height and distance are used along with range of frequency as dynamic compositional tools to shift the perceived size of the room over time and gradually envelope or release the listener. Custom speakers have been developed to act as specific voices and to allow for easy placement throughout a space. Some works also use live guitar feedback distributed through the same multi-channel system.

Up to three channels of video projection are used to accompany each piece. Video elements are sources of light processed to reduce identification of form, object and location. The video acts as a pacing device and is intentionally repetitive to draw attention to the very slow changes that take place in the audio.

CD release published by Sedimental Records, September 2010: